"Ascendant Sushi"

"Ascendant Sushi"

Assemblage (2014)

(wood, rubber, velcro)

24 x 12 x 3 inches

"Jawbone Necklace"

"Jawbone Necklace"

Assemblage (2016)

(deer jaw bones and teeth; velvet)

18 x 24 x 3 inches, shadow-box framed

Life (ii)

Life (ii)

Wood, fabric, rubber, paper (2014)

"Picking Up The Pieces"

"Picking Up The Pieces"

Himalayan pink salt crystals, straw, dung, metal (2011)

(20" x 24" x 10")

“Some Memories Fade”

“Some Memories Fade”

Installation 2018 (BAU Solo Show)

(deer skin, moss, deer skull, metal, wood, fabric)

"On the Other Side of Memory: Dementia Piece"

"On the Other Side of Memory: Dementia Piece"

(..if you find me wandering, point me towards one of these things...)


Assemblage (2017)

4 x 4 x 4 in

(glass, wood, metal, plastic)

"Family Shipwreck"

"Family Shipwreck"

Assemblage (2017)

(glass, porcelain, fabric, rubber, stone, wood, rock)

"Family System"

"Family System"

Wood, rubber, fabric, plexiglass (2014)

"Ashkenazi Warhol"

"Ashkenazi Warhol"

Assemblage (2013)

(canned salmon, Maternal Grandmother’s can opener, packing crate)



Assemblage (2014)

(Glass, rubber)

"In Case of Depression (8 additional colors for emergency use)"

"In Case of Depression (8 additional colors for emergency use)"


"Nest Egg"

"Nest Egg"

glass, twigs, rubber (2011)